About The Arts Society Sherborne

Dorset Moon in Sherborne Abbey

Photo: Kate Harris

Winner of our photo competition August 2020

The Arts Society Sherborne is an active society with a large and active membership. We are affiliated to the international Arts Society with over 600 branches in Britain, Europe, Australia and New Zealand.

The Society organises 10 lectures each year given by experts on many aspects of art, architecture, music and design covering a wide range of periods from Ancient Egypt to the present day.

Our lectures in the Digby Hall attract a combined audience of around 250, made up mostly of our members and with the numbers boosted by visitors.

During June and July 2020 we have held a series of five talks, using the online Zoom platform that have attracted a wider audience including members of other local Arts Societies and visitors from as widely afield and the USA. While social distancing continues to restrict activities we will continue to offer our regular lectures using this platform and have, indeed offered a bulk visitor deal to members of a neighbouring Society which has elected to suspend its programme.

Several of the topics we cover are of interest to other local clubs and interest groups. A lecture on landscape photography in February 2020 attracted a substantial proportion of the members of the local camera club

Sherborne is lucky to have several sites of historical, religious and cultural importance in and within walking distance of the town.

The following photographs highlight some of these

Sherborne Abbey

Sherborne Old Castle

Sherborne New Castle

St John’s Almshouses